Sunday – Sorting, Sewing and Stepping


I have a moderate-size walk-in pantry in the corner of my kitchen.  It was not spectacularly untidy but I did need to clean the shelves, check for any ‘orphans’ lurking in the back corners and generally get things sorted.  I do not have a before photo but here it is when I had finished.

001I only store the things that I am currently using in here as I have bulk stores in 10 litre buckets downstairs as well as another stock cupboard in the kitchen where I keep quantities of tinned food and extra packets of pasta, dry crackers etc.

002The container in the middle of the bottom shelf is a few things I found that were not likely to get used so I have put them all together and made a note to myself to use them up.  One thing in this bundle was some rice noodles which have been used the the stir-fry for dinner.

Today I did some more sewing for my grand-daughters.  Here are the results of my efforts over the past week or so.  I still have more that I am working on and will add the photos when they are done.

003This the pinafore made from the sea-green corduroy I mentioned in yesterday’s post.  I have yet to do the hem.  The photograph does not do the colour justice and it is difficult to see the little embroidered flowers also.

004While I had the pattern out I decided to make a summer one as well.  It can be worn with a blouse or t-shirt underneath or alone in really hot weather.  The fabric I used was originally a caftan I made for my sister many years ago.  The only variation I needed to make was contrast fabric for the pockets and facings as well as a join in the centre front of the front and back bodice pieces.

This is the pattern I used – originally bought in 1986 and still going strong.

006Here are a pair of basic trackpants I made.

005That is it for today.  I am still working on a dressing gown for Miss O as well as a hooded polar fleece jacket.  I bought material today to make some more winter nighties for her and I have material here to make singlets and skivvies for both of the girls.

I managed 7,500 steps today which is not too bad since I did not go walking as such.  That was just incidental at home and also at the market and Spotlight.

4 thoughts on “Sunday – Sorting, Sewing and Stepping

  1. I’d love a big pantry like that. I’ve got ‘pantry envy’ after looking at yours. It’s very nice. And as for your sewing, what lovely little dresses. The older patterns are usually the best.


  2. Your cupboard sure looks great and you have been very busy sewing for your grnadchildren. They are very lucky to have such beautiful home made clothes. I think it is a rarity these days.

  3. I just found your blog through a link from KJ and I too now have pantry envy. That pattern is so cool – my 27 year old daughter was talking the other day about one of her favorite dresses which had embroidered pockets. Girls love pockets.

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